Zine100 “How Not to Be Colonized by Outreach Programs” is a how-to, heads-up, do-it-right zine on working with people who offer you stuff. A collaboration between Zoe Health, LLC and I ❤️ MY HOOD, this public health advocacy project was successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter on February 17th 2022 at 126% of its goal. Visit the campaign site for more information.
You can order copies of the zine here at this link. Two styles are available: Zine100 (a white paper non-colored ANDROMEDA version that is not exclusive to Kickstarter) and the I ❤️ MY HOOD version. A webinar to accompany the zine that walks you through core concepts with real life examples is also available for purchase.
If you are a community organization or leader who’d like to inquire whether a complimentary copy is available, email stephanie (a t ) zoehealth.us .